Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Salvaged Mammoth Kauri carbon dated to be 30,000-50,000 years old.

With our work we use mostly locally salvaged Appalachian hardwood to build our furniture, however we have recently found rare access to a very limited supply of Salvaged Ancient Mammoth Kauri originating in New Zealand. The Kauri has been cut into huge slabs measuring about 4' in width which would make most amazing dining/conference table tops.

Heres the story-


Botanical name: Agathis australis

Family: Angiosperm

The Kauri species originate on the northern island of New Zealand and are said to date back to pre-historic times (Between 130 to 180 million years ago). Kauri trees still grow today due to their unique ability to interact with soil and have been able to compete with more evolved and faster growing species in the same family. The tree can attain a height of 120ft to 150ft and the trunk size can grow to over 15ft in diameter which rivals the Sequoias found in California. Kauris reach maturity in about 300 years and are said to live longer than 600 years of age and up to 2000 years of age.

The original Kauri forest covered a very large area and at the peak of their existences the forests were spreading at a rate of 600 ft per year, climatic changes and theories such as giant Tsunamis rolling through the swampy areas where they grew lead to a decline of these forests. Many of these felled trees sank into the muddy swamps and were preserved from the elements. Today, with the help of modern earth moving equipment, these giant logs are being excavated and brought out of the swamps. The salvaged wood has been carbon dated 25 000 to 50 000 years.


  1. Amazing slabs and logs, i want one.

  2. I also want it. Amazing I really like it a lot. Here are some related info.
